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11Incentivize and later mandate ICI owners and operators to perform deep energy retrofits.


Work is behind LEC/Adaptation timeframe
  • Not started
  • Initiated
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Operations
  • Complete
  • Cancelled
Target Indicator: 50% of existing ICI buildings in 2016 are 50% more energy efficient by 2030, 90% by 2050.

Report card

Report: 1/1/2021 12/31/2021
Progress Report Card 2021

Progress Update

Funding approved to research and design a program to incentivize energy retrofits in ICI buildings. Program to launch in 2023/2024 (behind schedule).


Progress Update

A business case for an ICI Energy Efficiency and Energy Generation Project was brought forward to the 2022/2023 budget and $375,000 was approved to research and design a program aimed at incentivizing energy retrofits in ICI buildings. In 2022-2023, program design including research, analysis, engagement, and a feasibility study will be completed. Pending approvals on program recommendation and funding in early 2024, the program is aiming to be launched by the end of 2024.

Official description

Incentivize and later mandate ICI owners and operators to perform deep energy retrofits
(According to the action plan)

Summary and contacts


1/1/2020 →

Action target audience

Lead Departments

Information updated 10/10/2023

How this action contributes to the outcome