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12Require energy efficiency improvements in residential and ICI building lighting systems.


Not scheduled to begin in LEC/Adaptation timeframe
  • Not started
  • Initiated
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Operations
  • Complete
  • Cancelled
Target Indicator: 90% of existing residential and ICI buildings in 2016 have 5% greater lighting efficiency by 2030, 100% by 2050. All existing luminaires are replaced with energy efficient LED bulbs and systems.

Report card

Report: 1/1/2021 12/31/2021
Progress Report Card 2021

Progress Update

No plans for mandating lighting improvements yet. Current programs are focused on incentives.


Progress Update

No plans for mandating lighting improvements yet. Current programs are focused on incentives. Funding approved for ICI Building Retrofit Project as part of Action #11 that will consider lighting.

Official description

Require energy efficiency improvements residential and ICI building lighting systems
(According to the action plan)

Summary and contacts


1/1/2025 →

Action target audience

Information updated 09/29/2023

How this action contributes to the outcome