- Our heath is improved due to more active lifestyles, cleaner air, and improved water and soil quality. These factors can significantly reduce rates of hospitalization, illness and disease, and mortality for everyone in our community.
- Our economy is diverse and resilient to both local and global changes. Our community can capitalize on new and existing sectors of business, for example, in the renewable energy, building, construction and Cleantech sectors.
- The Low Emissions Community Plan is estimated to generate approximately 100,000 person years of employment otherwise known as Full Time Equivalents between 2020 and 2050.
- Reduced expenses for residents, businesses and the municipality. Investments in technology, conservation and efficiency, and clean energy generation reduces operating and maintenance costs, provides new revenue opportunities, and protects our community from volatile energy and fuel prices.
- Improved equity and quality of life is achieved through improved accessibility, housing quality, food security, and poverty alleviation. Destinations become more accessible and all residents have access to healthy food and natural spaces.
The plan is a whole-city plan, whose policies and actions achieve multiple community benefits.