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40Procure Renewable Natural Gas from third party producers.


Not scheduled to begin in LEC/Adaptation timeframe
  • Not started
  • Initiated
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Operations
  • Complete
  • Cancelled

Report card

Report: 1.1.2021 31.12.2021
Progress Report Card 2021

Progress Update

No progress.

Official description

Procure Renewable Natural Gas from third party producers
(According to the action plan)


What's left to do?

  • Todo12/31/2025

    Procure renewable natural gas to meet targets

    Responsible party: SUST

  • Todo12/31/2028

    Alternatives to meet GHG targets

    Responsible party: TBD

What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Wastewater Treatment Plant biogas use opportunities

    Responsible party: SW


Summary and contacts


1/1/2040 →

Action target audience

Lead Departments

Information updated 02.10.2023

How this action contributes to the outcome