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4Update all municipal building lighting systems.


Proceeding or ahead of LEC/Adaptation timeframe
  • Not started
  • Initiated
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Operations
  • Complete
  • Cancelled
Target Indicator: 20% lighting energy savings from existing municipal office buildings in 2016 by 2026 and from all existing municipal buildings by 2051.

Report card

Report: 1/1/2021 12/31/2021
Progress Report Card 2021

Progress Update

Lighting retrofits completed in four more buildings and started in a fifth. Twelve buildings have been retrofitted to date under the current Energy Performance Contract Project.


Progress Report

In addition to the 12 buildings retrofitted in 2017-2021, lighting retrofits were completed in 14 buildings in 2022 and 10 buildings in 2023. This brings the total number of buildings retrofitted under the Energy Performance Contract (EPC) program to 36. The average annual lighting-related energy savings per building as a result of EPC lighting upgrades is estimated to be 47%.

Planned work: Materials for the final two EPC lighting retrofit projects – Quarantine and Barn buildings at Forestry Farm Park & Zoo – have been supplied; installations of the new lighting materials are pending.

Official description

Update all municipal building lighting systems
(According to the action plan)

Summary and contacts


1/1/2019 →

Action target audience

Lead Departments

Information updated 05/14/2024

How this action contributes to the outcome