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31Increase landfill gas capture from the Saskatoon Landfill.


Proceeding or ahead of LEC/Adaptation timeframe
  • Not started
  • Initiated
  • Development
  • Implementation
  • Operations
  • Complete
  • Cancelled

Report card

Report: 1/1/2021 12/31/2021
Progress Report Card 2021

Progress Update

Feasibility study and design contract for landfill gas expansion awarded and work began. Capture wells installed in 2020 and began producing and more are planned. Wastewater treatment plant biogas being used for heating to offset natural gas usage.

Official description

Increase Landfill Gas Capture from the Saskatoon Landfill
(According to the action plan)


What's left to do?

  • Todo12/31/2024

    Additional expansion and/or upgrades to meet remaining targets

    Responsible party: WWO

  • Todo1/1/2028

    Next steps beyond 2034 agreement expiration

    Responsible party: WWO

What are we doing?

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Landfill gas expansion

    Responsible party: WWO

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Landfill gas Plant upgrade

    Responsible party: WWO

  • Todo12/31/2023

    New engine addition

    Responsible party: SL&P


Summary and contacts


1/1/2020 →

Action target audience

Information updated 10/02/2023

How this action contributes to the outcome