Target Indicators: (1) 90% reduction and diversion of organics from the waste stream by 2050. (2) 95% reduction and diversion of plastic from the waste stream by 2050. (3) 90% reduction and diversion of paper from the waste stream by 2050.
24Improve and expand waste management programs and services to increase reduction and diversion.
Work is proceeding
- Not started
- Initiated
- Development
- Implementation
- Operations
- Complete
Progress Update
In 2021, The Waste Bylaw (Bylaw 9844) was updated to include a phased approach to regulation in the ICI sector for recycling and organics. In 2023, the City’s Curbside Organics Program launched and the City's Material Recovery Centre opened. The waste diversion rate for materials collected through City programs was 33% in 2023. In 2024, a curbside variable rate garbage utility will be enacted. As of December 2023, 8 actions in the Solid Waste Reduction and Diversion Plan are complete/operational, 12 actions have been initiated, 8 actions are anticipated to be initiated by the end of 2025, and the remaining 4 actions are expected to be initiated after 2025.
Past Progress on this Action
Report: 1/1/2021 – 12/31/2021
2021 Climate Action Progress Report
Progress Update
Bylaw 8310 amended (ICI regulation in effect 2022). Funding approved for feasibility study of landfill bans and multi-unit organics program development. Curbside organics collection to begin 2023. Recovery Park construction in-progress (opens 2023). Development of variable-rate garbage collection directed by Council.
Summary and contacts
1/1/2020 →
Action target audience
Lead Departments
Information updated 12/05/2024